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Do Cats Whiskers Grow Back?

Do Cats Whiskers Grow Back

Has your cat ever lost some of its whiskers by accident? Then you might walk around with some questions like: do cats whiskers grow back?

The whiskers of a cat will regrow unless the follicle is damaged beyond repair. It usually takes between two and three months for them to regrow.

Do Cats Whiskers Grow Back Pin

Cats’ whiskers are very important to cats, they have approximately 24 whiskers which they use to navigate and gauge their environment. 

That’s because cats have a sensory organ called a proprioceptor at the end of their whiskers. 

It’s this organ that makes the whiskers so sensitive allowing them to pick up on the smallest of changes around them.

Do Cats Whiskers Grow Back & How Long Does It Take?

While the average length of time is two to three months, some cats manage it in just one month. The healthier and younger your cat is, the greater the chance of this happening faster.

Depending on how you work out cat years it could take 10 cat years for a whisker to grow back! 

How Do Cats’ Whiskers Grow Back?

Cats shed whiskers and this is completely natural, so long as your pet isn’t losing an abundance at once. You can liken it to us losing our hair which regrows on its own.

Kittens are born with whiskers and will continuously lose them and regenerate them throughout their lives.  

How Often Do Cat Whiskers Fall Out?

If your cat loses a couple of whiskers, don’t be alarmed. However, if it’s more than a few there may be an underlying issue and you should involve your vet.

Your cat will shed two or three whiskers at a time. If you consider that they only have 24 whiskers it makes sense that this number is low. Any more and they may start feeling the effects.

Whiskers will fall out and regrow in a continuous cycle. Some whiskers will be mature and on their way out, some will be new stronger whiskers that have replaced those lost along the way, and others in between.

Possible medical issues that make cats lose whiskers

Several medical issues could make your cat lose more whiskers than it should. 

Some of the most common problems include:

  • Feline acne – This is usually found on their mouth and chin. 
  • Alopecia – Causing hair loss, this can include whiskers too.
  • Fungal or bacterial infections – Especially if the infection is on their face. 
  • Disorders – These could be hormonal or immune-based.
  • Stress – Yes, your cat can experience stress. This usually happens when a change in surroundings takes place and could include moving to a new house or when a cat has a new family.

Do Cat Whiskers Grow Back If Pulled Out?

This will depend on whether there was any damage done to the follicle itself. 

If it came out with a gentle tug by an enthusiastic young child it could grow back but if your furry friend was involved in a fight with a neighborhood cat it will depend on how deep the scratch went.

What Happens If You Cut Cat’s Whiskers?

The world record for the longest whiskers was 7.5 inches long! If you have a cat with long whiskers don’t be tempted to help it out by cutting them. 

Even if you trim your cat’s whiskers an inch this will have a negative impact. Think of its whiskers like they are our fingers which we can use to feel around in the dark to sense our surroundings.

Whiskers not only help cats navigate in the dark but also send them vital information about their environment in the daytime. The whiskers are highly sensitive and send nerve impulses to the brain. 

They are so sensitive that cats don’t need their whiskers to touch anything to pick up movements or detect objects. Small air movements are sent which vibrate the whiskers. 

With whiskers missing or even just shorter ones, it hurts their sense of equilibrium. Cats can end up disoriented and lose their incredible ability to judge distances.

As well as compromising its balance and movement your cat could experience emotional stress and be scared and frustrated with the new limitations. 

Do Cats’ Whiskers Grow Back If They Are Burned?

If your kitty accidentally singes its whiskers, it will grow back. 

Our feline friends are known for their curiosity, which is why we love them! Cats have been known to wander too close to a barbecue, stove, or burning rubbish to see what we’re up to and singe their whiskers.

Whenever you have friends or family over and are cooking make sure your cat has its food and entertainment and they aren’t tempted to wander near hot flames. 

Since our feline friends are particularly fond of heat, you should try and keep heaters out of reach or out of their path. Older cats or those with bad sight may have more trouble discerning what is safe.

What To Do If Your Cat Singes Its Whiskers

If your cat singes its whiskers don’t cut them. The ends may fall off but let nature take its course. 

You may want to consider buying your cat a cozy heated cat bed if it has a penchant for your heater or fireplace. That way, it can have its own warm and safe place to curl up.

Final Thought: What To Expect While Waiting For Your Cat’s Whiskers To Regrow

If your poor cat has lost whiskers or had them cut or singed recently, there are few things you can expect. 

Depending on the severity, you may struggle to gauge your cat’s mood. That’s because it relies heavily on its whiskers to communicate, even though it may not realize it!

When your cat is happy, the whiskers will be immobile or slightly back, when it’s scared, they will be bunched up flat against its face, and when it’s excited its whiskers will face forward.

Of course, you’ll still have all the other cues, like its ears, affectionate purring, and a leg cuddle. In the meantime, try not to make too many changes to its environment. 

Cats are resilient animals and a little setback like a few missing whiskers shouldn’t slow it down. If it’s a more serious underlying issue then a vet will need to help with treatment.

Either way, the best thing you can do for your cat baby is to enjoy spending quality time together.