Most people already know that dogs fart, you might have seen one of those Instagram videos where people put a mic under a dog’s bottom and he wakes himself up with a fart. So Funny!

But you might wonder, do cats fart? The answer is yes, but it’s not as common.
While most cats can pass gas without much to no odor, sometimes excessive bloating or discomfort could be the cause of bad-smelling gas.
This article will explain everything about cats and their digestive system.
Let’s get into it!
What Are the Most Common Causes That Makes Cats Fart?
1. Food Allergies
If your cat is allergic to a certain food, it may experience some unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting.
Although cats are more likely to have an allergy to beef or chicken than corn, wheat, rice, soybean or fish so be sure you always read the ingredients before giving your cat any new food.
Symptoms of allergies in cats can range from mild to severe and vary depending on the type of allergen that has been ingested.
The first step in treating your cat’s allergies should be identifying what they’re allergic to – but this might not always be easy since it’s hard for us humans to see inside our pet’s digestive tract! Your vet will typically recommend dietary changes for a few months. This is how they test food allergies.
This way you can find out on which food your cat has less gas and your litter box should be clean with healthy-looking waste clumps.
2. Gobble Food
Cats are known for their curiosity and love of food. But did you know that some cats eat so quickly they get gas? This can be a side effect of eating too much or too fast.
Some owners might find this funny, but it’s no laughing matter when your cat’s stomach is upset, that the poor animal starts farting. Even if your cat does not have the “gastric upset” side effect, rapid eating is still bad for them because it can lead to obesity and other problems like hairballs and dental issues.
3. Sensitive Digestive System
Cats are like any other pet, and they too suffer from digestive upsets. Your cat may be sensitive to certain foods and ingredients.
Some cats are more sensitive than others, but all cats have some degree of sensitivity when it comes to their digestive systems.
Outdoor cats
One thing that cats love to do is hunt for prey animals in their environments which can lead them into eating things such as rodents or birds who have eaten seeds or plants high in fiber content.
When a cat eats these sorts of foods it creates excessive gas (aka flatulence) inside the cat’s stomach and intestines leading to an uncomfortable situation where your cat may be passing quite a bit more than just wind.
Solutions for feline flatulence (gas)
Are you concerned about your cat’s sensitive digestive system? Do you need to know how to make their food, or what items are safe for them to eat? We must understand the needs of our cats and learn more about their digestive systems. We want to share some tips with you on making a diet plan for your cat!
- Make sure there is one protein source in each meal; it can be chicken, beef, eggs, salmon or other fish – but no mixing different proteins in one meal.
- Do not feed foods like corn as it can cause problems with digestion. Avoid foods containing high levels of sugar and fat.
- Try to feed your cat twice a day – never let them go more than 12 hours without food. Feed with a bowl of dry kibble, but mix in wet food as well for variety and extra moisture needs!
- Be sure to offer water at all times; make sure there is always fresh clean water available in the bowls or dish so they can drink easily.
- If your cat gobbles food, there are special food bowls for this problem. These special food bowls prevent your cat from eating too fast, this way your cat won’t get extra air in the stomach.
Final Thoughts
We hope these tips help you better understand how sensitive some cats’ digestive systems are and have given you ideas on what steps you should take when making changes to your cat’s diet plan.